How To Get Rid Of Hijacked Browser?

Is your internet browser acting strange, redirecting you to unfamiliar websites or showing unwanted ads? It’s possible that your browser may have been hijacked. Don’t worry, because in this article, you will learn some effective methods on how to get rid of a hijacked browser.

We will provide you with easy-to-follow steps and tips to restore your browser’s functionality and ensure a safe browsing experience. So say goodbye to those pesky hijackers and regain control of your online activities.

Identifying the Symptoms of a Hijacked Browser

If you suspect that your browser has been hijacked, there are several common symptoms that you can look out for. Changes in your homepage and search engine settings are usually the first sign of a hijacked browser. You may find that your browser’s default settings have been altered without your consent, and your homepage and search engine have been replaced with unfamiliar ones.

Another symptom of a hijacked browser is the frequent appearance of pop-up ads and redirects. These can be extremely annoying and disruptive to your browsing experience. You may find that you are constantly bombarded with unwanted advertisements or that your browser is redirecting you to unfamiliar websites without your consent.

A hijacked browser may also cause your browsing experience to become slow and sluggish. You may notice that it takes longer than usual for web pages to load or that your browser freezes or crashes frequently. These performance issues are often a result of the malicious software that has taken control of your browser.

Steps to Remove a Hijacked Browser

If you’ve identified the symptoms of a hijacked browser, it’s important to take immediate action to remove the hijacker and regain control of your browser. Follow these steps to effectively remove a hijacked browser:

  1. Clear browsing data and cache: Start by clearing your browsing history, cookies, and cache. This can help eliminate any unwanted data that may be contributing to the hijacking.
  2. Disable suspicious browser extensions: Go to your browser’s settings and review the list of installed extensions. Disable any extensions that you don’t recognize or suspect may be responsible for the hijacking.
  3. Reset browser settings: If the previous steps didn’t solve the problem, reset your browser settings to their default values. This will remove any changes made by the hijacker and restore your browser to its original state.

Removing Malicious Software

In some cases, a browser hijacking may be a result of malicious software that has been installed on your computer. To effectively remove this software and prevent further hijacking, follow these steps:

  1. Perform a full system scan using antivirus software: Use your trusted antivirus software to perform a thorough scan of your entire system. This will help detect and remove any malicious software that may be causing the browser hijacking.
  2. Use anti-malware tools to detect and remove threats: In addition to antivirus software, it’s recommended to use anti-malware tools specifically designed to detect and remove a wide range of threats. These tools can help eliminate any remaining malicious software that may have been missed by the antivirus scan.
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Securing the Browser

Once you have successfully removed the hijacker and malicious software, it’s important to take measures to secure your browser and prevent future hijackings. Here are some steps you can take to enhance browser security:

  1. Keep the browser and its extensions updated: Regularly check for updates for your browser and its extensions. Developers often release security patches and updates that address vulnerabilities exploited by hijackers and other malicious actors.
  2. Be cautious while downloading and installing software: When downloading software from the internet, be sure to only download from reputable sources. Avoid downloading from unknown or suspicious websites, as these may bundle malicious software with legitimate applications.
  3. Enable browser security features: Take advantage of the security features offered by your browser. For example, enable “Safe Browsing” in Google Chrome or similar features available in other browsers. These features can help protect you from visiting known malicious websites.

Implementing Safe Browsing Habits

In addition to securing your browser, it’s equally important to develop safe browsing habits to minimize the risk of browser hijacking. Here are some best practices to follow:

  1. Avoid clicking on suspicious links or pop-ups: Exercise caution when encountering suspicious links or pop-up advertisements. Be skeptical of offers that seem too good to be true, as they may lead you to malicious websites or initiate unwanted downloads.
  2. Exercise caution while downloading files: Before downloading any file from the internet, ensure that it comes from a trusted source. Scan downloaded files with antivirus software before opening them to minimize the risk of inadvertently installing malicious software.
  3. Use a reliable ad blocker: Install a reputable ad blocker extension or software to help filter out potentially malicious advertisements. This can significantly reduce the chances of encountering harmful content while browsing the web.

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Navigating through Common Browser Hijacking Scenarios

Browser hijackings can occur in various ways. Here are some common scenarios and tips on how to respond:

Hijacked by a malicious extension

If you suspect that a malicious browser extension is responsible for the hijacking, follow the steps mentioned earlier to disable or remove the extension. Be cautious when installing new extensions and only use those from trusted sources.

Get Rid Of Hijacked Browser

Source: TheTechBrain AI

Browser hijacked by a PUP (Potentially Unwanted Program)

Potentially Unwanted Programs (PUPs) may install themselves on your computer without your knowledge and hijack your browser. Perform a system scan using both antivirus and anti-malware tools to detect and remove these unwanted programs.

Hijacked through bundled software installations

Some software installations may include bundled programs or extensions that hijack your browser. During installations, carefully read the terms and conditions and decline any offers to install additional software or change your browser settings.

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Seeking Professional Help

If you have tried the steps mentioned earlier and are still unable to remove the browser hijacker, it may be necessary to seek professional help. Consider the following options:

Consulting a computer technician

A computer technician or IT professional can provide expert guidance and assistance in removing the hijacker and securing your browser. They can also help identify any underlying issues that may have led to the hijacking.

Contacting browser support or services

If you are using a specific browser and are experiencing persistent hijacking issues, consider reaching out to the browser’s official support or customer service. They can offer specialized assistance and advice on how to resolve the problem.

Protecting Against Future Hijackings

Get Rid Of Hijacked Browser


To safeguard your browser from future hijackings, it’s important to establish proactive security measures. Follow these guidelines:

  1. Regularly update and maintain security software: Keep your antivirus, anti-malware, and firewall software up to date. Enable automatic updates to ensure you have the latest protection against evolving threats.
  2. Enable automatic browser updates: Most modern browsers offer automatic updates. Enable this feature to receive the latest security patches and enhancements.
  3. Educate yourself about common hacking techniques: Stay informed about common hacking techniques, such as phishing scams and malicious downloads. By understanding these threats, you’ll be better equipped to recognize and avoid potential hijacking attempts.

Preventing Browser Hijacking in the First Place

While it’s essential to know how to remove a hijacked browser, prevention is always better than cure. Here are some preventive measures you can take:

  1. Use strong and unique passwords: Use complex passwords for your online accounts and avoid reusing passwords across multiple platforms. This minimizes the risk of attackers gaining unauthorized access to your accounts and potentially hijacking your browser.
  2. Exercise caution while clicking on email links: Be vigilant when clicking on links in emails, especially from unfamiliar or suspicious sources. Verify the authenticity of the email and the sender before clicking on any links to prevent falling victim to phishing attacks.
  3. Avoid visiting suspicious websites: Stick to well-known, reputable websites and avoid clicking on links that lead to unfamiliar or suspicious websites. These websites often harbor malicious content and may trigger browser hijacking attempts.


How do I know if my browser has been hijacked?

If you notice changes in your homepage and search engine settings, frequent pop-up ads and redirects, or a slow browsing experience, there is a high chance that your browser has been hijacked.

Can I remove a hijacked browser myself?

Yes, you can remove a hijacked browser yourself by following the steps mentioned in this article. However, if you are unable to resolve the issue, consider seeking professional help.

How can I prevent browser hijacking?

To prevent browser hijackings, maintain a proactive approach by using strong and unique passwords, exercising caution while clicking on email links, and avoiding suspicious websites.

Should I install an ad blocker?

Installing a reputable ad blocker can significantly reduce the risk of encountering harmful advertisements that may lead to browser hijackings.

How often should I update my security software?

Regularly update your security software, including antivirus, anti-malware, and firewall programs, to ensure you have the latest protection against emerging threats.

Can a browser hijacking lead to personal data theft?

While browser hijackings themselves may not directly result in personal data theft, they can expose you to additional risks. Hijackers may attempt to install keyloggers or other malware to capture sensitive information.


Discovering that your browser has been hijacked can be frustrating and alarming, but with the right knowledge and tools, you can regain control and protect yourself from future hijackings. By following the steps to remove a hijacked browser, removing any malicious software, and implementing browser security measures, you can ensure a safer and more secure browsing experience. Remember to practice safe browsing habits, seek professional help when needed, and stay informed about the latest hacking techniques to prevent browser hijackings in the first place.