How To Recover Forgotten Wi-Fi Password On Windows?

Have you ever found yourself in the frustrating situation of forgetting your Wi-Fi password on your Windows computer? Don’t worry, it happens to the best of us! In this article, we will share with you some helpful tips and tricks to recover your forgotten Wi-Fi password and get you reconnected to the internet in no time. Whether you’re a tech-savvy individual or just a casual computer user, these easy-to-follow steps will guide you through the process of retrieving your Wi-Fi password without any hassle. So let’s dive in and get you back online!

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How To Recover A Forgotten Wi-Fi Password On A Windows Computer?

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you forgot the password of your Wi-Fi network? Don’t worry, it happens to the best of us. Thankfully, there are several methods you can try to recover your forgotten Wi-Fi password on a Windows computer. In this article, we will explore ten different approaches that can help you regain access to your wireless network. From using the Network and Sharing Center to seeking assistance from your Internet Service Provider (ISP), we’ve got you covered. So, let’s dive in and get your Wi-Fi connection back up and running!

1. Using Network and Sharing Center

Accessing Network and Sharing Center

To begin, let’s start by accessing the Network and Sharing Center on your Windows computer. You can do this by right-clicking on the network icon in the system tray, located at the bottom right corner of your screen. Select “Open Network & Internet Settings” and then click on the “Network and Sharing Center” option. This will bring up the Network and Sharing Center window, which is a central location for managing all your network-related settings.

Viewing Wi-Fi Network Properties

Once you’re in the Network and Sharing Center, you’ll want to click on the “Wi-Fi” option, which represents your wireless network connection. Next, click on the “Wi-Fi Properties” button. This will open a window displaying various details about your Wi-Fi network, including the network name (SSID), security type, and encryption method.

Finding the Wi-Fi Network Security Key

In the Wi-Fi Network Properties window, navigate to the “Security” tab. Here, you’ll be able to find the Wi-Fi network security key if it is saved on your computer. Look for the “Network security key” field, and if it is not obscured, the password should be visible. Note that the password may be hidden for security reasons, and if that’s the case, you will not be able to retrieve it using this method.

Recovering the Wi-Fi Password

If the Wi-Fi network security key is not visible, you can try recovering the password using the Command Prompt. Proceed to the next section to learn how.

2. Using Command Prompt

Opening Command Prompt

To use the Command Prompt, press the Windows key on your keyboard, type “cmd,” and hit Enter. This will open the Command Prompt window.

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Finding the Saved Wi-Fi Profiles

In the Command Prompt, type the following command: netsh wlan show profiles. Press Enter to execute the command. A list of all the Wi-Fi profiles saved on your computer will be displayed.

Revealing the Wi-Fi Password

To reveal the password of a specific Wi-Fi network, type the following command: netsh wlan show profile name="your_network_name" key=clear. Replace “your_network_name” with the name of your Wi-Fi network, enclosed in quotation marks. Press Enter to execute the command. Look for the “Key Content” field, where the password will be displayed in plain text.

3. Using Wi-Fi Password Recovery Software

Downloading and Installing Wi-Fi Password Recovery Software

If the previous method didn’t work, an alternative approach is to download and install Wi-Fi password recovery software. There are various reliable tools available online, so be sure to choose one from a trusted source. Once you have found a suitable software, download and install it on your Windows computer following the provided instructions.

Scanning and Recovering Wi-Fi Passwords

After you have successfully installed the Wi-Fi password recovery software, open the program. Most software tools will have a scanning feature that searches your computer for saved Wi-Fi passwords. Initiate the scanning process by clicking on the appropriate button or selecting the corresponding option. The software will then scan your system and retrieve any saved Wi-Fi passwords it can find.

Exporting or Copying the Recovered Wi-Fi Passwords

Once the scanning process is complete, the software will display a list of the recovered Wi-Fi passwords. You can choose to export the list to a file for future reference or copy the passwords to your clipboard. This can be particularly useful if you have multiple Wi-Fi networks and want to keep track of the passwords for each.

4. Checking Wi-Fi Router Setting

Recover Forgotten Wi-Fi Password On Windows

Source: TheTechBrain AI

Accessing the Wi-Fi Router’s Admin Panel

If you have physical access to the Wi-Fi router, you can check its settings to retrieve the Wi-Fi network password. To access the router’s admin panel, you will need to enter its IP address in a web browser. The IP address is usually printed on the router itself or can be found in the product documentation. Once you enter the IP address and hit Enter, you will be prompted to enter the router’s username and password.

Locating the Wireless Settings

After successfully accessing the router’s admin panel, you will be presented with various configuration options. Look for a section related to wireless or Wi-Fi settings. The exact location of these settings may vary depending on your router model. In this section, you should be able to find the Wi-Fi network password.

Finding the Wi-Fi Network Password

Within the wireless settings section, look for a field called “Password,” “Passphrase,” or similar. The Wi-Fi network password is typically displayed in this field. If the password is not visible, you might need to change the password or generate a new one. Make sure to save the changes before exiting the router’s admin panel.

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5. Checking Saved Wi-Fi Passwords in Windows Settings

Opening Windows Settings

Another method to check for saved Wi-Fi passwords is through the Windows Settings. To access Windows Settings, press the Windows key + I on your keyboard. This will open the Settings window.

Navigating to Network & Internet Settings

In the Settings window, navigate to the “Network & Internet” section. This section contains all the network-related settings on your Windows computer.

Accessing the Wi-Fi Network Passwords

Within the Network & Internet section, click on the “Wi-Fi” tab from the left-hand menu. Scroll down until you see the “Known networks” section. Here, you can find a list of all the Wi-Fi networks your computer has connected to in the past.

To view the password of a specific network, click on it and select the “Properties” option. In the network properties window, enable the toggle switch for “Show characters.” The Wi-Fi network password will then be displayed in plain text.

6. Using Password Recovery Tools

Researching and Identifying Reliable Password Recovery Tools

If none of the previous methods have been successful, you can explore various password recovery tools available online. It is crucial to conduct thorough research to identify trustworthy and reliable tools. Pay attention to user reviews, ratings, and the reputation of the software provider to ensure you are downloading a secure tool.

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Downloading and Installing the Chosen Tool

Once you have found a reputable password recovery tool, proceed to download and install it following the provided instructions. Make sure to download the tool from the official website or trusted sources to avoid any potential malware or security risks.

Using the Tool to Recover Wi-Fi Passwords

After successful installation, open the password recovery tool. The interface will typically provide a simple and user-friendly experience. Follow the on-screen instructions and allow the software to scan your computer for saved Wi-Fi passwords. Once the scanning process is complete, the tool should display a list of recovered Wi-Fi passwords, which you can then use to reconnect to your wireless network.

7. Utilizing Previous Backups or System Restore Points

Identifying Relevant Backup or Restore Points

If you have regularly backed up your system or created restore points, there might be a chance to recover your previous Wi-Fi password. Identify the most recent backup or restore point that predates the time when you forgot the password. Remember that this method will revert other system settings as well, so proceed with caution.

Accessing the Backup or Restore Utility

To access the backup or restore utility on your Windows computer, open the Control Panel by pressing the Windows key and typing “Control Panel.” Open the Control Panel and locate the “System and Security” section. Within this section, you will find options related to backup and system restore.

Restoring the Previous Wi-Fi Password

Follow the prompts and instructions provided in the backup or restore utility to restore your system to a previous state. This process may require restarting your computer. Once the restoration is complete, your Windows computer should revert to the settings saved in the chosen backup or restore point, including the Wi-Fi password.

8. Resetting the Wi-Fi Router to Default Settings

Locating the Reset Button on the Router

Resetting your Wi-Fi router is a more drastic solution, but it can effectively erase any existing Wi-Fi passwords. Typically, routers have a small reset button located on the back or bottom. This button is often recessed to prevent accidental resets.

Performing a Router Reset

To reset your router, use a small pin or paperclip to press and hold the reset button for about 10-15 seconds. Make sure to keep the button pressed until the router’s lights flash or turn off and then back on. This indicates that the reset process has been initiated and completed.

Setting up a New Wi-Fi Password

Once the router has been reset to its factory settings, you will need to set up a new Wi-Fi password. To do this, access the router’s admin panel using the previously mentioned method. Locate the wireless settings section and enter a new password in the designated field. Be sure to save the changes before exiting the admin panel.

9. Seeking Help from an Internet Service Provider

Contacting the ISP

If all else fails, don’t despair. You can always reach out to your Internet Service Provider (ISP) for assistance in recovering your Forgotten Wi-Fi Password. Contact their customer support or technical support line to explain the situation and request their help.

Verifying Account Ownership

To ensure the security of your Wi-Fi network, the ISP will ask you to verify your account ownership. Be prepared to provide relevant information, such as your account number, personal details, or other authentication methods they may require.

Requesting Wi-Fi Password Recovery Assistance

Once the ISP has verified your account ownership, explain that you have forgotten your Wi-Fi password and would like assistance in recovering it. Depending on the policies and procedures of your ISP, they may be able to reset the password remotely or guide you through the necessary steps to regain access to your Wi-Fi network.

10. Tips for Avoiding Future Wi-Fi Password Forgotten

Creating a Strong and Memorable Wi-Fi Password

To avoid the frustration of forgetting your Wi-Fi password in the future, it is essential to create a strong and memorable password. Choose a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters. Additionally, the password should be at least eight characters long to enhance security.

Using Password Managers

Consider utilizing a password manager tool to securely store and manage your Wi-Fi passwords. Password managers provide a convenient way to generate and store complex passwords, allowing you to access them whenever needed. Many password managers also offer the option to sync passwords across multiple devices.

Regularly Updating and Documenting Wi-Fi Passwords

Lastly, make it a habit to update your Wi-Fi password periodically. This practice can help maintain the security of your network. Whenever you change the Wi-Fi password, be sure to document it in a secure location, such as a password manager or a physical notebook. Having a record of your passwords will save you from future inconvenience if you ever need to retrieve them.


Forgetting your Wi-Fi password can be frustrating, but with these ten methods at your disposal, you have many options to recover it on your Windows computer. From using the Network and Sharing Center to seeking assistance from your ISP, each method offers a unique approach to retrieve your Wi-Fi password. Remember to choose the method that best suits your situation and proceed with caution to ensure the security of your network. By following the tips for avoiding future Wi-Fi password forgotten, you can safeguard against these mishaps and enjoy a seamless and secure Wi-Fi experience.